
Home Page Arkadelphia Arlington Auburn BrownField CapeMay Cerritos Chula Vista Clark Delaware Edgemont Evergreen Fairhope Foley Fresno Fullerton Hagerstown Hamburg Heber Springs Irvine Huntsville Los Angeles Loudonville Mexico Millersburg MiraLoma Richmond San Marcos Sheridan Toulouse Winder Advanced Bibliography Looking For Memorabilia Memorabilia p.2 Salute to Pappy Timeline Riverside RC As1953 ADec1955 Amay1957 RMa1960 RMma1961 RMmj1961 RMso1961 RMja1961 RMf1969 RNmidN1982 RNmidFeb83 RNNov1983 Beahan Popplewell RivPhotos RivPhotos2 RROMEO Rohr1982 RNMay1984 RNJuly1984 RNAug1984 RNOct1984 RNMay1985 RNDec1986 RNDec1990 A92543 Riv72354 AA1957 RN101667 Riverside92682 HSER111987 Lynch Kitchen McKenzie GIWMcKenzie GSMcKenzie AJan1953 WPeters Rohr50years Aircraft Antenna Communications Computer Construction Marine Material Postal Rail Space RailTransit Paris Rockville SanDiego WashingtonDC ICarreno MCecena Nutt Lewis ADec1956 RMma62 RMw62 RMs63 RMs64 RMf65 RN62066 RN71866 RN5567 RN81167 RN111067 RMsum69 RN12574 RN22274 RN91578 RNmay84 RNmay93 TSUT91297 TSDUT91397 RMw63 RN111665 RMw68 Rohr Chula Vista 25th Anniversary Guest Book manor JAustin MBolles LBarto RBolles SGutierrez DKitt WKurtz CManuel Warters Wells Wjan45 ADaug46 tfaA51 Aaug57 Ajune52 Aaug57part2 Ajuly1952 Aoct52 Ajune1953 Anov57 Anov57part2 RMspring66 MTS1971 RNjuly71 BTfeb72 PE1974 TSDUT41494 RN12867 RN2268 RN61468 RMf68 RMspring70 Rohr1992 Rohr992 VPClassen WRJordan HVelez RTIPP XR1D RMnd58 RMjf61 RN22161 RMspring68 RMsummer68 RN22069 RN2369 RN22070 RNnov71 RNfeb72 RNjuly72 RNjuly73 21st695 TRC BARTnr RN2775 RN3775 RN4475 RN8178 RN121979 RDrown JNCopeland GFlannagan TSDUT32994 TSDUT42594 TSUT92397 TSUT92397c1 TSDUT92797 TSUT92897 Ajune56 RMsum64 RMf64 RMf66 RMw66 RMsu70 photos warbond1942 RCSPD64 DBessie ECzay CRDoss Evans IHamby CJPoole DRhodes PStevenson RN060569 RMma58 RMjf60 RMma60 RM1q65 RC68part1 RC68part2 Motori72 RIIar76 RN032879 RIIar78 RN83178 RNmay1988 TSDUT42694 JHolomon RLopez PRaney FHRohr BRobinson SSepulveda Witbeck RIVreunion110719 RACar56 Adec57 RMsum66 RRCN1257 RC64ar RRCN1256 Aoct56 Anov56 Afeb57 Amay1957b RMmj58 RMjf59 RMma59 ZReed Houston RMso60 arrc1962 RC67ar RN090368 RMw70 RMw70v19n3 PE012371 RNdec75 RN062077 RN041279 RN052579 RN072480 RN0782 RNmidN83 RNmidMay84 RNmidJune84 RNjun88 RBagley RMsum71 RCMP RN100465 IDagan VGirtman Foster LMatheny RMotl JoeRheim WLWashington Afeb52 A062356 RNaug84 RNsept85 Ajan58 RMja58 RMso58 RMmj59 RMja59 RCAR1970 IndustrialSystems RN030868 EJohnston activities RHines RMEwbank JDHawkins RNsept1958 WLevacy hammering RN122065 VanHulle RohrHomes RohrHomes2 RN111868 RN052170 RN092479 RN080880 RN033181 RN032360 RN040560 RNjuly97 JJudd RNoct1997 RN071568 SL071791 SL121097 RN111765 CDriskill RivPhotos3 EDriskill LBagwell LAT091370 Press091470 RNaug91 RNoct91 RNdec82 RNnov82 WN082389 RNmidjan83 RNmidoct83 WN090689 WN091389 WN081689 WN101189 WN102589 WN110189 RNmidmarch83 WN020190 WN080890 WN032890 WN102490 WN072088 WN88 WN081088 EKunz CVSN121654 RNfeb83 RN100564 RNmidfeb85 CasaGrande 1958handbook RN121663 RNnov90 Anov55 Aerospace DPurdy CJPfrunder Custom 3 1975AR Watts motel RN041960 RNmidOct84 WN020790 RNnov84 RNmidSept84 JMalloy CWMullenix RN082161 A050843 RNfeb83 RNmar83 RNjan83 RNmar85 RNdec84 RNjuly83 RNjuly89 RMjf62 Snov46 RC63AR RNfeb91 DeptsPrograms Bahler RMsum63 RMfall63 RNjune83 Houston RN070263 RNmidjul83 RNmidjun83 RN090959 RNmidMay83 RNmay83 RN082881 RNmidApril83 RN112581 RNapril83 RN071663 RN052059 RN021982 RMspring67 flight FHooper Aaug56 Daytona JVanAllen Challenge95

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AeROHRcrafter | Rohr Magazine | Rohr News | News Clippings

Written and compiled by S. Poole


The AeROHRcrafter
, September 1957: 8(4).
Aeroquip Corporation. Cover Story. The Flying A. August 1951: No. 25.
American Machinist. May 1998. Stretch form dies using ren shape TM boards. 142(5): 112-113.

Amy, J. Goodrich to lay off 78 workers at Foley, Ala., airplane maintenance center. Press-Register. 23 November 2009.

Austin, E. T., ed. The AeROHRcrafter, February 1956.

Austin, E. T., ed. The AeROHRcrafter, December 1957: Volume 8, Issue 2.

Austin, E. T., ed. The AeROHRcrafter, May 1957: Volume 7, Issue 12.

Austin, E. T., ed. Riverside Xpress Weekly News, 23 May 1991.

Austin, E. T., ed. Rohr Magazine, May/June1958: Volume 8, Issue 10.

Austin, E. T., ed. Rohr Magazine. Special Anniversary Issue. Rohr 25th Anniversary, Summer 1965: Volume 15, Issue 2.

Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly. Mounting Backlog Propels Net of Rohr Aircraft Corp. 1 April 1957: Volume 37, Issue 13.

Barrons's National Business and Financial Weekly. Unburdened by Heavy Write-Offs, Net of Rohr Begins to Gain Altitude. 7 November 1960: Volume 40, Issue 45.

Bauder, Don. (1994, April 25). Rohr gets a thumbs-down, thumbs-up. The San Diego Union - Tribune, pp. C.3.

Bauder, Don. (1997, Sept. 23). What did Rohr mean by 'terminated' a week ago? The San Diego Union - Tribune, pp. C.1.

Bigelow, B. V. (1997, Sept. 12). Rohr to close deal on billion-dollar buyout | buyer is not identified; takeover rumors lift stock. The San Diego Union - Tribune, pp. A.1. Retrieved from Proquest July 29, 2011.

Bigelow, B. V. (1997, Sept. 27). Holders of Rohr shares file suit: Claim aerospace firm didn't land best price. The San Diego Union - Tribune, pp. C.1.

Bigelow, B. V. (1997, Sept. 28). Rohr sage raises eyebrows: Many still are puzzled by deal's resurrection. The San Diego Union - Tribune, pp. I.1.

Bigelow, B. V. & Kupper, T. (1997, Sept. 23). 'Dead' deal resurrected; Rohr sold for $1.3 billion. The San Diego Union - Tribune, pp. A.1.

Brydolf, Libby. Tough stance taken in cleaning up Rohr's act. San Diego Business Journal. 4 October 1993.

Business Wire. Rohr celebrates 50th anniversary. August 6, 1990.

Club Reaches Out To Stars. Rohr News. 24 January 1961.

Company News; Rohr workers see buyer for aircraft bonding plant. The New York Times. 22 July 1993.

Gar Wood Acquires 80% of United Stove. The Wall Street Journal, 19 July 1952: Volume 8.

Consolidator, February 1942. History of Royal R. Rife, Jr. (and the Rife Ray machine). 4 April 2005.

Douglass, E. (1990, Nov. 30). Goldsmith weathers rocky start | Rohr chief executive meets head-on challenge of first year. The San Diego Union - Tribune, pp. AA.1. Retrieved from Proquest July 29, 2011.

Douglass, E. (1992, May 22). Rohr hit by big loss in quarter. The San Diego Union-Tribune, pp. C.1. Retrieved from Proquest July 29, 2011.18:32:25

Douglass, E. (1993, May 28). Rohr schedules $262 million write-off. The San Diego Union-Tribune, pp. C.1. Retrieved from Proquest July 29, 2011.

Douglass, E. (1993, Aug. 24). Rohr still pays for heydey's decisions | rapid expansion continued after boom went bust. The San Diego Union - Tribune, pp. C.1. Retrieved from Proquest July 29, 2011.

Douglass, E. (1994, Jun 14). Rohr risk pays off with new contract. The San Diego Union - Tribune, pp. C.2. Retrieved from Proquest July 29, 2011.

Farah, J. & Antonucci, M. Strangled in the Crib: Jobs and Regulation in California. Regulation. The Cato Review of Business & Government.

Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce. Rohr Industries, Inc. 30 years in Riverside. Greater Riverside Business Supplement. September 1982.

Green, F. (1997, Sept. 13). Rohr Employees abuzz over uncertain future. The San Diego Union - Tribune, pp. C.1.

Hulewicz, G., ed. Aerostructures TODAY, August 2004: Volume 7, Issue 8.

Hulewicz, G., ed.
Aerostructures TODAY, July 2004: Volume 7, Issue 7.

Hulewicz, G.
, ed. Aerostructures TODAY, September 2004: Volume 7, Issue 9.

Hulewicz, G., ed.
Rohr News, December1987: Volume 30, Issue 10.

Hulewicz, G.
, ed. Rohr News, November 1988: Volume 31, Issue 10.
Hulewicz, G., ed. Rohr News, February 1989: Volume 32, Issue 1.

Hulewicz, G.
, ed. Rohr News, June 1989: Volume 32, Issue 5.
Hulewicz, G., ed. Rohr News, April 1990: Volume 33, Issue 3.

Hulewicz, G.
, ed. Rohr News, April 1991: Volume 34

Hulewicz, G., ed.
. Rohr News, October 1994: Volume 34, Issue 9.
Hulewicz, G., ed. Rohr News, August 1996: Volume 39, Issue 8.

International Association of Machinists. Rohr Aircraft Demanding No Strikes, No Arbitration; Employees Roar Refusal. The Machinist, 3 March1955: Volume IX, Issue 51.
This article discusses the 1955 six week strike at the Rohr plant in Riverside, California.

Johnson, G. Rohr Industries Reports Gain of 24% in Net Income. Los Angeles Times, 5 September 1985. 

Korstange, M., ed. Rohr News, Mid-November 1982: Volume 25, Issue 10.

Kraul, C. Displeased with California, Rohr Plans to Relocated Jobs Out of State. Los Angeles Times, 30 July 1991.

Lewis, M., ed. Riverside Xpress1995 Special Health Care Edition, 4 November 1994.

Los Angeles Times. Air Workers Buckle Down Increased Production on Seven-Day Week Aim of San Diego Factories. 15 December 1941.

Los Angeles Times. San Diego Aircraft Plants Rush Blackout Precautions. 13 December 1941. McLean, D., ed. Rohr News, 31 March 1981: Volume 24, Issue 4.

Missiles and Spaceflight. Flight International. 14 February 1963.

Mounting Backlog Propels Net of Rohr Aircraft Corp. Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly, 1957:  Volume 3, Issue 13.

Noise reduction cost study. Flight International. 31 July 1969.

Ohail, B., ed. Rohr News, Mid-April 1983:
Volume 26, Issue 8.

Ohail, B., ed. Rohr News, Mid-February 1983: Volume 26, Issue 4.

Ohail, B., ed.. Rohr News, Mid-January 1983:
Volume 26, Issue 2.

Ohail, B., ed. Rohr News, Mid-March 1983:
Volume 26, Issue 6.
Rapid Amortization; Electric Power Firms Got Largest Share in Latest Fast Write-Offs.

Parsons Brinckerhoff-Tudor-Bechtel. BART TODAY, February 1972.

PR Newswire. Rohr Announces General Manager of Rohr-Arkadelphia Facility. 26 February 1992.

Raynes, B.F. The ROHR M. O.-1 CANARD. Aero Digest, August 1965.

Raynes, Burt F. 1965. Prefabricated modular home construction. United States. ROHR CORP. 3203145.

Renstrom, R. (1990). Rohr Europe expands manufacturing capacity to support programs at Airbus Industrie. Business Wire. Retrieved from Proquest July 29, 2011.

Riverside Xpress Weekly News
4 April 1991.

Riverside Xpress Weekly News, 25 April 1991.

Riverside Xpress Weekly News, 2 August 1991.

Riverside Xpress Weekly News, 29 August 1991.

Riverside Xpress Weekly News
, 15 March 1991.

Riverside Xpress Weekly News
, 28 March 1991.

Riverside Xpress Weekly News, 30 March 1991.

Riverside Xpress Weekly News, 14 November 1991.

Riverside Xpress Weekly News
, 26 November 1991.

Riverside Xpress Weekly News,
26 September 1991.

Riverside Xpress Weekly News, 6 February 1992.

Riverside Xpress Weekly News,
12 March 1992.

Rohr. Business Update. 23 September 1991.

Rohr Aircraft to Build Large California Plant. The Wall Street Journal, 15 May 1952:
Volume 4.

Rohr Aircraft Profits Slip in First Quarter. Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly, 1957: Volume 37, Issue 50.

Rohr Corporation Annual Report 1970 30th Anniversary Year. 1970. Chula Vista, California: Rohr Corporation.

Rohr Incorporated. International Directory of Company Histories. Ed. Paula Kepos. Vol. 9. p. 458-460. From Gale Virtual Reference Library.

Rohr Industries Ad Explaining Its Stand in Recent Strike Called by IAM Against Co. New York Times, December 1971. 

Rohr Magazine, May/June 1958.

Ross, C. W. (1992, Jan. 16). Rohr takes the road to Singapore | 55 U.S. jobs hurt by joint venture. The San Diego Union, pp. D.1.

San Diego Business Journal. Rohr Inc.: Proxy Report Excerpts. 8 January 1996.

Schena, S. C. Rohr Industries imposes hiring, overtime freeze. San Diego Business Journal, 24 September 1990.

Showley, R. $44 million project starts. Welcome sounds of construction ring in Rancho Penasquitos. Union-Tribune. 2 October 2009.

Smith, A. They weren't flying saucers... but, they hit Chula Vista with a ROHR! Ramona Sentinel, 13 February 2009.

Smith, J., ed. Rohr News, February 1983.
Smith, J., ed. Rohr News, January 1983.

Smith, J., ed. Rohr News, March 1983.

Smith, J., ed. Rohr News, May 1985.
Smith, J., ed. Rohr News, October 1982.

Strauss, B. & Hulewicz, J. (1997, May). X-33 advanced metallic thermal protection system. Advanced Materials & Processes, p. 55-6.

The region in review. The San Diego Union Review. 6 May 2007.

Thomas, D. L. The Sturdy Pre-Fab. Good Times and Bad, Factory Built Homes Continue to Expand. Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly, May 21, 1962. 

To professional aircraft engineers who aspire to higher achievement. Flight International, 14 April 1966.

Unburdened By Heavy Write-Offs, Net of Rohr Begins to Gain Altitude. Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly, 1960: Volume 40, Issue 45.

Waite, H. Calling California Home: A Lively Look at What it Means to be a Californian. Berkeley, CA: Wildcat Canyon Press, 1999.

The Wall Street Journal, 1952: Volume 5.
The Wall Street Journal, 30 December 1952: Issue 11.
The Wall Street Journal, 16 February 1953: Issue 11.

Webb, K. Taking Flight. Arkansas Business. 9 March 1992.

Weekly News
, 6 May 1987.
Weekly News, 24 October 1990.

Williatt, N. High-Flying Honeycomb: Demand Is Soaring for a New Type of Construction Material. Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly. 12 October 1959.

Zamel, K., ed. Weekly News, 10 August 1988.

Zamel, K., ed. Weekly News, 17 August 1988. 

Zamel, K., ed. Weekly News. 7 September 1988.



Anderson, J., ed. Riverside 1990. Riverside, CA: Jolene S. Anderson Publishing Consultants, Inc., 1989.

Austin, E. T. Rohr: The Story of a Corporation. Chula Vista and Riverside, CA: Rohr Corporation, 1969.
Brigandi, P. Borrego Springs: Early Days in the Borrego Valley, 1910-1960. Borrego Springs, CA, 2001.

Brown, J. Harvest of the Sun: An Illustrated History of Riverside County. Riverside, CA: Windsor Publications, Inc., 1985.

Burkhart, B. and Hunt, D. Airstream: The History of the Land Yacht. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2000.

Blueprints for Modern Living: History and Legacy of the Case Study Houses, 1989. Los Angeles: The Museum of Contemporary Art.

Galey, D. The Adventure of My Life. Sun City, CA: Winlock Publishing Company, 2003.
This autobiography briefly mentions the author's career at Rohr.

Hallett, A. and D.  Entrepreneur Magazine Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurs. Wiley, 1997.

James, N. J. Of Firebirds & Moonmen: A Designer's Story From The Golden Age. Xlibris Corporation, 2007.
The author discusses his work at Rohr/Goodrich on mass transit systems, surface-effects ships, the X-33, aircraft engine nacelle and thrust reverser systems, and R & D.

Johnson, E. R. American Flying Boat
s and Amphibious Aircraft: An Illustrated History. McFarland, 2009.
This book
features a black and photograph of the PB2Y-3 transport that you will want to see.

Patterson, T.  Landmarks of Riverside and the Stories Behind Them. Riverside, CA: Press-Enterprise Co, 1964.

Rohr Industries, Inc. 1975 Annual Report. 

Rohr Industries, Inc. A Pioneer in Aeronarutics, 1940-1990. September 1990. 

Rohr Industries, Inc. BART Prototype Car Development Program. Volume 1 Program Synopsis. Chula Vista, CA: Rohr Industries, Inc., 1973.

Rohr Industries, Inc. BART Prototype Car Development Program. Volume 2 Program Details. Chula Vista, CA: Rohr Industries, Inc., 1973.

Rohr Industries, Inc. Corporate Identity Manual. February 1988.
Rohr Industries, Inc. Handbook for Salaried Employees. Riverside. 1987.

Rohr Industries, Inc. Modern Transportation Systems. Chula Vista, CA: Rohr Industries, Inc.

Roseman, F.M. and Watry, P. Chula Vista. Arcadia Publishing: 2008.
Schoneberger, William A. California Wings. Woodland Hills, CA: Windsor Publications, 1984.  

Simley, J.  Rohr Incorporated. In International Directory of Company Histories, 1994.
Includes a company history on Rohr Incorporated covering the years between 1920 and 1993. 

Teurlay, F. Riverside's Camp Anza and Arlanza. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2008. 

Upton, Dell. Architecture in the United States. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.


Internet Resources

Aeronautics Learning Laboratory for Science, Technology, and Research. "Frederick H . Rohr,"

Chula Vista Living. Historic "Drop Hammer" is Dedicated Along Side The Heritage Museum on Third Avenue. 

City of Chula Vista. "Heritage Museum,"
This webpage includes information on Rohr's Drop Hammer and digital images from the Rohr Collection.

City of Chula Vista. "Local History,"

This webpage features the history of Chula Vista.

City of Chula Vista. "Public Works Operations,"
This webpage includes information on the Rohr Manor in Chula Vista.

Dean, Ada. "Fred H. Rohr: A Man and His Corporation. Rohr Aircraft Corporation Chula Vista ,"

This booklet contains lots of great information and photographs.

Dery, M. "In Search of Ancient Astronauts: A Requiem for the Space Age,"
Very interesting article that recounts the author's childhood in Chula Vista while his stepdad worked at Rohr.

Donaldson, M.W. The History of Eagles's Hall.

Photographs and history of the building that Rohr Aircraft purchased in 1952.

Fraser, R.W. "Rohr 2-175 (71-x) fan jet."
Link submitted by Don Roth, January 4, 2010.

International Directory of Company Histories.
"Northrop Grumman Corporation."  St. James Press.

Lawrence, W. (2010). Borrego modern. the design. architects designers builders. Henry Hester. Retrieved from 
Henry Hester and his partners were the architects of the first modular component homes and a clubhouse in Borrego Springs, San Diego County, California. The homes are modular steel - and built by Modular Components Inc. of Riverside, a subsidiary of the Rohr Aircraft Corporation. Submitted by Bill Lawrence, March 7, 2010

Lisanne. "Rohr Aircraft Corporation 1944,"
This is a copy of a Rohr advertisment from 1944. 

The Regents of The University of California. "Calisphere. A World of Primary Sources and More," 
Type ROHR into the search box and the website will list 14 results for interesting black and white photographs of Rohr with descriptive information included.

Rohr. Aerofiles.

Rohr Inc. Management Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District. "A History of BART: The Project Begins,"

"The Rohr Aerotrain Tracked Air-Cushion Vehicle (TACV),"
This story includes lots of photographs and interesting information about the Rohr Aerotrain, and this history of rapid-transit.

Spirit of St. Louis 2 Project. "Charles Lindbergh: An American Aviator,"
This website includes a photograph of the builders of the original Spirit of St. Louis which includes Fred H. Rohr.

Stell Photo Service. "Photograph of the Interior of the Rohr Aircraft Corporation Plant, Winder, Barrow County, Georgia, ca. 1955?,"

Stell Photo Service. "Photograph of the Interior of the Rohr Aircraft Corporation Plant, Winder, Barrow County, Georgia, 197-,"

Stell Photo Service. "Photograph of a Power Package for an Airplane, Winder, Barrow County, Georgia, ca. 1955,"

Sorensen, Aja. "Rosie the Riveter: Women Working During World War II. Armentha Bolles Waldron,"
On this webpage Armentha Bolles Waldron shares her life story including her work as a Riveter in Chula Vista.

Wikimapia. "Rohr Manor (Bonita),"
Includes aerial view of the manor.


Other resources:

Cohen, James. “Development of a Futuristic Technology Programme: How the Aerospace Industry (Almost) Transformed Ground Transportation in the United States, 1960-1972.” Journal of Transport History , vol. 43, no. 1, June 2022. Sage Publications.


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All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of material is prohibited.

Contact Sue with questions or comments. Website address:

Last updated: 07-12-2023