Rolland Hines
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Rohr Riverside
Written by Sue Poole
Rolland started at Rohr on September 1, 1953 in Cutting and Drop Hammers. When the drop hammers moved to Chula Vista he went to work in Core Cutting. He had been at Rohr for a year when Rohr had it's first strike. He did not picket. Fred Rohr talked to the Riverside guys in the picket line. Fred Rohr was a family man, and Rohr was a good place to work. The strike went on for 6 weeks. The union rented elephants and camels for publicity. Their foreman let them off ten minutes early to clock out at the gate. Rolland ran the saw for 3 years. He cut pipe for the C97 tanker airplane and the C135. He worked with Walter Henderson in Cutting. Guzman taught him how to run a router.
Rolland was a Reporter on the Cutting Edges column in The AeROHRcrafter including the July 1956 issue (p. 35).
In 1957, Rolland was mentioned in the January and February AeROHRcrafters. In the January 1957 AeROHRcrafter, Rolland as a reporter for the Cutting Edges his photograph was included and he was mentioned in his own article, "Our night reporter, R. L. Hines, has been very busy with with his Scout work recently, so we haven't had any news from him . . ." (p. 38). In the February 1957 AeROHRcrafter he was mentioned in The Reporter's Report "It's good to see R. L. Hynes back on days . . ." (p. 38). In his Cutting Edges column it states "Our reporter Hines had a pleasant surprise this month; he answered the door one night and found his mother standing there. He had not seen her for eight years, and he has been walking on a cloud ever since" (p. 38).
Rolland joined the golf club at Rohr in the 1960's.
Rolland worked the grave yard shift as a Honeycomb Core Cutting Supervisor. In 1968 he was a Leadman and then became a Supervisor in 1969. He worked the graveyard shift for 6 1/2 hours but got paid for 8 hours. He was a member of the Moose Club in Riverside, playing cards, with Ken Goodwin and Donald Poole. He retired on February 28, 1979. Rolland passed away of a heart attack on March 15th, 2015 at the age of 98 in Oxnard, California.
My Uncle Rolland was one of the Cutting Edges reporters for The AeROHRcrafter. Love his story about his mother's visit. This is from the February 1957 issue.
Rohr Riverside 1965.
Rolland Hines is 4th from left holding the Performance Award.
(Rolland Hines private collection.)
Outstanding Department Award. Project Save.
Rolland Hines, 5th from right.
Photograph was taken when Rolland's department moved into the new building, circa 1967-1969.
(Rolland Hines family private collection.)
Christmas 1970, Riverside, California.
Twila and Rolland Hines with Sue and Carol Poole (daughter and wife of Donald Poole).
Photo: DT Poole family private collection.
Rolland Hines, The AeROHRcrafter, February 1957, p. 38.
Updated November 24, 2021.
Updated June 11, 2023.
Updated: February 23, 2025.
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Last updated: 02-23-2025