Vera Girtman
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Vera Girtman
Rohr Riverside
Written by S. Poole
Vera worked at Rohr Riverside for three years, between 1956 and 1960. Vera worked in the Sealing and Testing department and is mentioned in the September 1957 issue of The AeROHRcrafter: "Vera Girtman's mother from Illinois is visiting Vera and her family this summer."
Vera moved to New Hampshire. She hated the snow. She once told me "I hate it unless I can set in the house and look out at it. It is beautiful on the trees. But I hate driving in it."
Vera enjoyed researching the Burnham Family, here is the link to her website.
Vera passed away in November 2017.
The AeROHRcrafter
Written by Sue Poole, January 31, 2021.
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Last updated: 08-01-2024